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Bangladesh and its position in the environmental protection indicator index

Saaif Rasul

After some improvement in environmental protection, Bangladesh's position has gone down again. Bangladesh ranks 16th out of 180 countries in the Global Environmental Protection Index published last week. Earlier, in 2020, Bangladesh was ranked 162nd on the list. This position in the list shows that the situation in Bangladesh is rapidly deteriorating on important issues such as environmental health, ecosystem, biodiversity, and climate change. The global report was ...

Half of all hypertension patients are unaware of the fact

Dr. Taslima Akter

In this day and age of seemingly endless stress, hypertension or high blood pressure is emerging as an increasingly common comorbid condition. An individual’s blood pressure changes each day, depending on her/his movement and activity. However, if you have hypertension, it means that your blood pressure is chronically higher than it should be. May is High Blood Pressure Education Month, with the 17th of the month observed glob...

Myanmar-Bangladesh’s Relations Through the lens of Strategic Advantages

Parvej Siddique Bhuiyan

Powershift in Myanmar and the subsequent polarization among the major powers triggered a new geopolitical flashpoint in Bangladesh’s strategic backyard, which the latter cannot afford to reluctantly ignore. It seems that the US and other western countries are taking a heavy-handed approach while other big powers, such as Russia, China, India, and Japan, have started explicitly (or covertly) normalizing their relations with the Tatmadaw (Myanmar military). Myanmar always gets priority in Bangladesh’s economic and security strategy. Although democratic Bangladesh has a moral dilemma in supporting the military government, it has yet to formally condemn the military coup or demand Aung San Su Kyi's re...

Life is a series of ups and down

Md Habibur Rahman

“Life is some span of time.”

Sometimes it gives something

Sometimes it offers nothing.

Sometimes it provides messages for the future.

Sometimes it reminds us of old letters.

Sometimes it heals you.


Why Myanmar Should Hold ‘Friendship and Neighborhood approach to Bangladesh’?

Fumiko Yamada

Bangladesh and Myanmar share a land boundary of 271 kilometres. Prior to their establishment as contemporary nation-states, both countries had a long history of exchanging political, cultural, and economic concerns. They also share a common history of British colonialism. The relationship between these two countries is based on demography rather than geography. Since Bangladesh's 1971 independence from West Pakistan, the two countries have had "cordial" relations. One of the first countries to acknowledge Bangladesh was Myanmar. However, due to the Rohingya crisis and border disturbances, Bangladesh-M...

An Unobstructed Letter To Myanmar’s Policymakers From Bangladesh

Jubeda Chowdhury

Bangladeshi citizens want friendly relations between Bangladesh and Myanmar with a neighbourly spirit. Because you are our immediate neighbours, Thus, you should strengthen bilateral ties with Bangladesh by resolving bilateral problems such as the Rohingya crisis. Myanmar and Bangladesh should bolster their ties with a neighbourly spirit for various reasons. Currently, the strained Myanmar-Bangladesh relations need to smooth. January 13, 2022, marked 50 years of bilateral ties between Myanmar and Bangladesh. Myanmar recognized Bangladesh as a sovereign state on January 13, 1972. However, there were no seminars, discussions, statements, reciprocation, or felicitations between the two neighbours to mark the s...
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